Autores: Cláudia Soares; Óscar Afonso
Título: The Non-Observed Economy in Portugal: the
monetary model and the MIMIC model
Editor: Edições Húmus & OBEGEF
Data: 2016, Jan.
Páginas: 43
©: Observatório de Economia e Gestão de Fraude
Formato ficheiro: pdf (portable document format)
Dimensão: 1360 kb
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Texto em inglêsThis paper offers estimations for the Portuguese path of the Non-Observed Economy (NOE), in the period 1970-2013, through two seminal approaches: monetary method and the Multiple Indicators Multiple Causes (MIMIC) model. It is observed that the tax burden and social benefits are its main causes. Then, to get a more in-depth understanding of the phenomenon, it provides a study of the Granger causality between the NOE and the official Gross Domestic Product (GDP), emphasising the implications of the NOE on the Portuguese economy. Evidence has been found for the existence of bidirectional causality between the NOE and the GDP, suggesting that the formal economy affects the NOE, and conversely that the NOE affects the economic growth.

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