Autores: Saso Kozuharov; Jana Ilieva
Título: The implication of gray economy on the modern crime
Editor: Edições Húmus & OBEGEF
Data: 2016, Jan
Páginas: 15
©: Observatório de Economia e Gestão de Fraude
Formato ficheiro: pdf (portable document format)
Dimensão: 363 kb
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Texto em inglêsIn recent years, there is a strong tendency of most today’s modern economists, to clearly define the terms of the hidden, unofficial, informal, irregular activities that are behind the functionality of today’s modern economy. This effort is implemented exclusively in order to bring the size of the contribution of such activities to the economy in the present day as a whole. Within this framework occurs widely extensive vocabulary, coloring the codes of the different types of economies, characterized by practices today, which are attributed to “white”, “black”, “beige” and “gray” color of the economy.
Accordingly, this approach highlights the knowledge behind the gray economy today, considering its activity that is not based so much on the scope of an economy in a legal state, as far as the motivation and behavior of legal entities that due to the conjuncture of circumstances in which they are located, are turning to illegal activities.
Hence, in order to sum up this correlation between the informal and criminal economy, it is important to analyze the correlation of today’s modern economic activities in the gray zone of activities. Therefore, the below implemented master thesis, can be implemented as criminal - economic study, which incorporates the main subject of research, directing it towards the process of implicating the criminal activities in relation to the creation of the gray zone of economic activity in modern legal state.

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