Registration Fees
- Conference ordinary fee: 125 EUR
- Conference fee for students*: 50 EUR
The Conference Fee includes one lunch, two coffee-breaks, and a farewell cocktail.
Payments of fees
- Are due with registration by bank transfer to OBEGEF’s bank account:
- NIB: 0035 0839 00001539030 67
- IBAN: PT50 0035 0839 00001539030 67
- Bank Account: 0839001539030 (CGD)
Copy of the bank transfer is to be sent
- by e-mail to
- Email subject: ‘Registration I2FC2015’
- with full identification of the sender (Name, Address, Tax payer identification number, Institutional affiliation, Title of the paper, proof of the student status when applied*).
- Bank transfers should also clearly identify the participant at the conference.