Call for papers
Economic crime continues to challenge Europe. Corruption costs the European economy around 120 billion euros per year. The new forms of commission of economic crime, through new methods and technologies, pose renewed questions and demand improved answers to several disciplines, particularly to the sciences of Law and Economics.
The third Interdisciplinary Insights on Fraud and Corruption (I2FC 2015) conference aims to bring together researchers, academics and practitioners from different backgrounds to exchange and share their experiences, ideas, and research results about all aspects of costs of economic crime, and discuss the challenges in this field and policies adopted. We invite the submission of theoretical, applied, or policy-oriented research papers that focus on any aspect of costs of economic crime, to our conference.
The conference topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- the theory and empirics of the costs of economic crime
- methodological challenges on the estimation of the costs of economic crime
- corruption
- tax evasion
- tax crimes
- money laundering
- fraud and counterfeiting
- corruption, fraud and organized crime
- cybercrime
- environmental crime
- the underground and the shadow economy
- the shadow economy
- social cohesion, norms and ethics
- law, regulations and public policy
- confiscation
- punishment of economic crime
- new forms of white collar crime
- international cooperation on the investigation and prevention of economic crime
- criminal corporation liability
- compliance programs
Important dates:
Deadline for abstract submission:
1st June 2015 extended: 30th June 2015
Acceptance notification:
15th June 2015 15th July 2015
Submission of full papers:
5th October 2015
Presenters’ registration:
between 5th - 31st October 2015
Other participants’ registration:
1st July - 20th November 2015