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Master and Doctoral Tutorials/Short Courses

Research frontiers in Fraud and Corruption

13 September 2012


The Master and Doctoral Tutorials/Short Courses will take place on 13 September 2012, immediately before the 1st OBEGEF Conference, 14-15 September, 2012.

The first objective of the Tutorial is to provide an opportunity to master and doctoral students to discuss their research plans and their work in progress both with a distinguished international faculty and their colleagues. The second purpose is to get participants acquainted with the international network of experts and colleagues working in the distinct perspectives/dimensions of Fraud and Corruption. The core faculty for the Tutorials is composed of leading scholars and professionals in each field.


Criminology and Anti-Fraud Research (Local Organizer: António Maia)

Robert Klitgaard
University Professor, Claremont Graduate University, USA


Forensic Accounting (Local Organizer: Maria do Céu Ribeiro)

  Larry Crumbley
KPMG Endowed Professor, Department of Accounting, Louisiana State University, USA. 


Academic Ethics (Local Organizer: Aurora Teixeira)

  Donald L. McCabe
Professor, Management & Global Business, Rutgers Business School, USA.
  Deborah C. Poff
President and Vice-Chancellor at Brandon University, Canada; Editor in chief on Journal of Academic Ethics and Editor of Journal of Business Ethics.

Although the short courses are open to all of those wishing to attend it (up to a limit of 15 places in each course; fee: 100€), we strongly encourage and give priority to applications from master and doctoral students who are in the process of developing their research agenda or those who are conceptualizing their research and working on data collection and analysis. We strive for a mix of students at different stages of thesis preparation.

If you are interested in participating in this event, you are invited to send ( by JUL 30, 2012

  • In the case of master and PhD applicants: A 3000 word summary of your research (Times New Roman 12 font, double-space, excluding figures, tables and references)

We recommend that applicants divide their 3000 word summary into the following sections:

  1. the central research question addressed (to include a brief statement of the topic, and of the issue or problem that motivates the research) [10%];

  2. theory and literature review [20%];

  3. research design, data and methodology (to include hypotheses in the case of quantitative methods, and the methods of measurement and the generative questions that will guide grounded theory building in the case of those using qualitative methods) [30%];

  4. expected results and summary of the evidence of the study thus far (to include if applicable an outline of any preliminary findings) [20%];

  5. expected contribution and its significance to scholarship in the field [10%]; and

  6. conclusions, and remaining concerns or problems to be overcome [10%].

  • In the case of other applicants: Up to one-page summary describing your motivations for participating in the short course and a short bio with your academic and professional background.

An award of 500 EUR will be presented to the student with the most promising thesis proposal.

The full program of the Tutorials/Short Courses is available at the Conference website:

  cosponsoring:         gold sponsors
             silver sponsors

        other sponsors